A History of
King Leopold 1st Lodge No. 3 (Continued)
Under guidance of the Worshipful Master, the Lodge began to form a system of instruction for degree work and to formalise the dress code for meetings. Additionally, efforts were to be made to advise Brethren in the area of the Lodge's existence.
A significant Masonic discussion took place in February 1983. It was based on a then recent Masonic College of Instruction meeting, stating that other holy books which formed the basis of worship of a Brother had equal right to be placed on the altar with the Christian Bible, thereby affirming the Fraternity's belief in Deity without regard to different religious rites of worship.
Although several years had passed since the formation of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium, it was reported in the Lodge that five Grand Lodges in the U.S. (Arkansas, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, and Washington State) had still not yet recognised the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium.
Belgian regional pride became an issue at the Regular Grand Lodge and there were proposals for regional grand Lodges to exist, one for French, and one for Flemish regions. The Worshipful Master stated the Lodge 's position was not to engage in such matters as the constitution forbade being involved in political matters. King Leopold 1st made a formal statement to the Regular Grand Lodge stating non-involvement by the Lodge in the regional language issue. The proposal for regional grand Lodges was not realized. However, it was reported that 96 of 106 Grand Lodges in North, Central and South America recognised the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium.
In the autumn of 1985 there was some concern at the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium about the small local membership of King Leopold 1st and the Worshipful Master convened a committee of Past Masters who would work with the Regular Grand Lodge representative on the issue. The close ties with Chevaliers Ramsay continued with members of King Leopold 1st attending their installation of officers.
At the installation in 1986 a Worshipful Brother presented to the Lodge a Tyler's sword, which was a replica of the Sword of Charlemagne. The sword was to replace the sword presented to the Lodge in its earlier days.
In 2008 the Lodge maintains and often returns to its basic values. King Leopold 1st Lodge No. 3 is a friendly lodge, professional in its workings whilst maintaining a sense of humour.
2009/10 was busy, the Lodge performed the 3 degrees in its usual friendly but professional manner. At the time of writing one of the Past Masters takes the chair for the second time. 2010/11 will be a busy year.
King Leopold 1st has faithfully maintained the precepts of Free Masonry for over two decades and by keeping the tenets of friendship, morality, and brotherly love in their hearts and minds the success of the next years would be even greater than the successes of the past.
The catchment area for King Leopold 1st Lodge No. 3 remains SHAPE. This has been both a weakness and a strength. Whilst the ‘turnover’ can be rapid, this also ensures that many long lasting friends pass through the doors that stand open to welcome like minded individuals with similar hearts.